Come and stay

We offer you the chance to re-connect with nature

Our platform gives you the opportunity to combine medium and long-term renting, teleworking and a healthy diet and lifestyle.

We offer a digital environment with a portfolio of rural properties adapted technologically for remote work, and the opportunity for experiences and leisure activities that appeal to a community looking for a healthy diet and a connection with nature.

My legacy, your home

Legacyhouse strives to reclaim and place value on rural heritage, and the culture and quality of life found in rural contexts. We want to demonstrate the diverse opportunities for leisure, health and well-being these areas offer, and create experiences that will, without doubt, strengthen the value of the family legacy.

We created this multidisciplinary meeting space because we believe strongly in the enormous potential of giving value to empty properties in rural enclaves, and in revitalising areas through the promotion of the sports, gastronomy and social activities available there for people to take part in and enjoy.

Live a healthy lifestyle and adopt positive eating habits - with the opportunity to grow your own food in a small vegetable garden or buy local produce.

Without losing your connection

We provide a portfolio of properties equipped with the facilities you need to do your job without interruptions, flexibly and securely.

We’ll make sure you have a wide range of choices and can decide where to stay based on your own preferences. We want to keep your travelling spirit alive.

Do you have a question for us?

Get in touch and we’ll answer any questions you might have.

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